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" Yo no puedo hacer nada por ti, excepto trabajar en mí... Tú no puedes hacer nada por mí, excepto trabajar en ti. "

Webs asociadas

Alma Y Cuerpo Sano

Emoción y Libertad

Melania Marcos - Libertad Emocional

Equilibrio Emocional

Gestión Emocional

Artesana colaboradora

Atavika artesanía

Colaboradores en formación

Living University of Terrain

Subliminal Desensitization

Desensibilización subliminalThis is a project in development of an automatic therapeutic tool, with which we are very excited. We want to thank you for the collaboration, which will be of great help to us to carry it out.

The steps of the process should allow you to complete it without problems, leave us any comment you wish in the results page.

We hope the system will be very effective for you 😁.


  1. If you have NOT already done the initial release programming press the following button:
    1. If you want to reinforce the image of liberation you can anchor it to positive emotions:
  2. Choose the topic to be treated.
  3. Paste the link of the Youtube video that you want to see in the background.
  4. Pulsa el botón "Start Desensitization".
Desensitization configuration